Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Gizmo Moment

Gizmo is my baby boy. He's loves the stroller, cuddling and eating. Gizmo hates going outside, rain and damp grass. He's more of a baby than a princess and it's okay to baby this little guy. Gizmo spends most of his time sleeping. We think of him as part cat and part shih tzu.

In the winter he'll spend all day stretched out in his heated bed and only break out of his nest to do the necessities like eat, drink and then potty.

Gizmo has become increasingly outgoing with our attention and love. He started playing last year and it's the funniest thing to watch him running like mad around the living room with his mouth open and tongue hanging out. He doesn't last long at these mad dashes, partly because he's out of shape and partly because he probably had permanent lung damage from being a puppy mill survivor.

It could be his horrific past that allows extra cuddles or maybe just because he's the cutest puppy that ever lived. Either way this dog is little chocolate bag of love.

Taz and Gizmo couldn't be more different or more devoted. They are like brother and sister in the way they play and love. Gizmo tends to ignore Tazs snarling and Taz tends not to snarl too much at Gizmo. Taz lets Gizmo do things she would never allow another dog to do, like sleeping in her bed or stealing her food and toys. Gizmo takes full advantage of Taz cuddles, but respects her enough to never steal her favorite pink pig.

We like to call them the Twins even if they are different breeds and different ages. People often ask if they're from the same litter and some of that is appearance, but most of it is their undeniable connection.

Today I managed to catch a glimpse of Gizmo enjoying some play time. I wanted to posted it to prove that Gizmo does not sleep all the time. There are two videos below: one of Gizmo playing in the living room taken on the 2011 Civic Holiday weekend and the second is of Taz and Gizmo "big bear fighting" during a rainy day on our honeymoon.

He is the cutest puppy ever, especially considering he just turned four years old in June. I hope they brighten your day.

                                                   Gizmo Doesn't Sleep All the Time:

Taz and Gizmo in "Big Bear Fighting" on our Honeymoon
You can hear the rain falling and we're in our travel trailer.

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