My motorcycle is a 2004 BMW F650 CS and I love her more than most people. Sorry folks, but she's super hot. I've gone out of my way to look after this little beauty with dealership maintenance and frequent trips to the spa. After six years she's like one of my children, but I only pay attention to her in the summer.
In early June 2011 Brent and I jumped out of bed, rushed out the door and mounted our bikes at seven in the morning to head south in search of new motorcycle tires. The temperature was hovering around 11 C (50F), but with the heated gear we were very comfortable. Brent actually kept the heated vest on and opened the vents in his jacket to get the right temperature.
Wearing the heated gear made me want to ride in cold weather. It's like watching a good storm from the safety of the house. It's like watching rain fall from under an awning. It's like a disappointing Christmas morning, it might not be what you wanted, but it's still a great day.
We arrived at the shop and the sales crew were very friendly, but the shop folks were a little rude. No matter! They had cheap tires and were willing to install. I will sacrifice customer service for money on this particular adventure.
We went to the coffee shop across the street and had coffee with our favorite peanut donuts. I don't know they stopped making these beauties in Canada, but if you're listening Mr. Horton: we want our peanut donuts back! It seems that tires and donuts go together.
Brent and I spent our time enjoying our treats and talking about motorcycles. Which to buy? What we were looking for and how to get it? We're still looking for another dual sport. I don't want to take the BMW down to Florida and ride it hard on the dirt roads. In case you're new to the story, Brent and I go to Florida every winter for a few weeks and escape the cold. We take as many toys (and puppies) as we can carry and play.
Brent and I would like a pair of dual sports we can ride the scrambles and down the trails. My BMW is not built for this type of riding. She's a straight up street bike that's far too pretty for a layer of mud. Luckily, my bike and I often have different trains of thought on mud. There's a time and a place to get a little dirty.
With fresh sticky tires we head back home riding side by side enjoying the special moment. You can smell the fresh cut grass and dampness of the lake. The world seems a little crisper with the wind in your face and a big vibrating machine under you.
I never feel unsafe on my bike. I don't ride reckless or excessively fast. I take my time and enjoy the handling and the power of quick acceleration. Remember: I drive a SMART Car which is not going to win a bicycle race, so my bike is how I get my power fix. I am also vigilant on my bike. I watch everyone, see everything and move away from even the remotest potential danger.
Brent and I work as team to protect each other and keep each other safe. We love our bikes and want to keep riding them for years to come.
We decided on an extra treat and stop for pizza at a little restaurant in Lewiston, NY. We meet a friend for lunch and have the most delicious chicken pizza and a single beer. We get caught up in converstation as we sit on the patio not quite ready to go home, but ready to ride.
We take the long way home along the river and I always get the that wonderful feeling of joy when I return to the farm. We ride into the drive to the sound of engines competing with yippng, clucking, snorting and nickering. It's the sweetest music. The farm is so comforting and welcoming. I'm glad to be a part of it.
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