These are the laws that must be followed while on vacation. Updated edited version 7.9:
1. Go to the beach
2. Take walks at all the local dog parks
3. Shop at the local farmer's markets for groceries.
4. Make fresh lemonade or iced tea
5. Garden. Even if it's not your garden. Plant a flower on vacation and if you return you can check it out.
6. Get up early and drink coffee outside with the birds
7. Do one project a week. A puzzle. Finishing a forty of rye.
8. Finish a novel by reading in the early morning
9. Make homemade frozen drinks
10. Drink wine on the patio in the evenings
11. Paint your toes and nails.
12. Obtain a nice healthy "glow"
13. Eat hard shelled crabs at least once
14. Eat local food. Especially seafood that you BBQ.
15. Touch your toes to water. Ocean, lake, river or stream.
16. Drink when you're thirsty regardless of the time.
17. Take an afternoon nap.
18. Go to bed at ten and get up at seven.
19. Have snacks. All day long.
20. Have some quality time with the toilet every morning.
21. Walk the dogs twice a day around the neighbourhood.
22. Go to an open house.
23. Make a special purchase.
24. Stop at the local fair or art show
25. Ride the trolley.
26. Listen to Country music. It's a great story.
27. Sleep in.
28. Make love with the one you love. Feel it. Really.
29. Soak in a bathtub.
30. Stop for ten seconds and breathe. Then laugh.
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