Thank you. You know who you are... Those wonderful friends and souls who came out to help us build our "wedding" picnic table last Sunday at the beach. We managed to put together thirteen tables in less than four hours with many beach and beer breaks.
We had groups of people working together with nail guns, drills, saws and imagination. We put the tables together is a matter of hours with laughs and the wonderful smell of sand, sun and healthy sweat.
I'm so glad people have started to wander out to the beach and see the glory that exists in the little piece of sand called Long Beach. It is stunning. Better than any resort and friendlier than any family joint. It combines peace with fun, food with wine, family and friends. It's warm and welcoming, hot and re-freshing.
Bright fires on cool summer nights translate into rhythmic converations about life and love, future plans and wonderful memories. I can't thank people enough for partaking in our adventures and our lives.
One of our worst qualities: we're bad with time, but great with friends and family, if you can track us down. We're generous with our time, muscle, ideas, property and work horses. All you have to do is ask and then inspire us with good food and libations. Deep down: we're pretty simple folk.
Brent says he's always happy. He seems like he's happy most of the time and I strive to be as happy as Brent. I envy his simple views, but don't mistake them for ignorant or uneducated. The dude is smart. It may not seem like it, but he's managed a great deal in his life. He's brave and encouraging and wonderful and often a little frustrating.
Our biggest complaint is having too much stuff. I love to care for the things we have and Brent loves to aquire new things. It's an interesting mix of personalities and we find a way to make it warm, loving and welcoming.
It's four weeks to the wedding and I think I'm done panicking over the details. We'll have food, drinks, friends and family to help us celebrate. What more do we really need? (don't you dare quote a bridal book).
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