Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Video Blog: A day in the life.

When I woke up this morning at the farm it was overcast and raining. There was a brief reprieve where I went out and cared for all the farm animals. The mud is getting thick in some places and I'm glad I had my rubber boots on:

Taz and Poco were inside trying to find ways to blow off some steam. Wouldn't you know that the smallest dog chose the biggest stuffed toy to beat up. Do you think she had big dog syndrome? Poco chose a smaller toy with no stuffing and lots of squeakers that he could easily thrash around. 

Taz vs Reindeer

Poco vs bunny 

Taz tried to go outside on cat patrol, but was quickly deterred by a chill bout of rain. The cats ran for cover and Taz ran for the house. The cat in the video below is from the feral cat society of Toronto and has been at the farm for about three years now. He is a ragdoll who was discovered at a cat colony in downtown Toronto and made his way to the farm. I wormed him this year by putting wormer in a pile of tuna and leaving it for him in the field. I hid around the side of the barn and watched him eat it and gave myself a high five. 

By now I'd had enough of the chilly rain and decided to head to the beach and see if the weather was any different. Was I in for a shock! The dogs were delighted as they ran down the beach

Taz even got so warm she took a dip and lay down in the lake. Who knew the beach would be so hot in October. In Canada! 

Meanwhile, across the street Brent is doing a little leveling with his favorite toy. 

Later on we had a fire on the beach. 

This is my first video blog and I hope it's enjoyable! Now, the dogs are climbing my leg for another beach walk, so I've got to go and you should too. Get out there and take your pup for a walk before it snows. Remember this from Winter 2010?? 

How to end the day... Beach Fetch! 

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